In the 2023 edition of State of CSS, the demographics were as follows:
- Over 50% of respondents were between 25 and 44
- Over 30% of respondents earned $50k or more
- Over 60% of respondents identified as male
Sure, the demographics are seemingly improving year-on-year but to get a true reflection of the industry, we’re asking — possibly even begging — for a more diverse set of responses. Folks who do not match the above who haven’t filled in a survey like this before: now is your time to shine because you’re not currently being represented fairly!
Browser makers use this data to guide what they prioritise, so tell them what you need. If you’re thinking down a similar road to me that browsers might not be prioritising stuff we actually need to y’know, build day-to-day websites, then completing a survey like this can only help.
CSS has picked up so much momentum over the last few years. Let’s try to move the dial towards real world needs by giving this survey a real world dataset.