Front-end education for the real world. Since 2018.

Code of conduct

This code of conduct applies to every member of the Piccalilli community. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled.

Members are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules.


  • Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, or religion.
  • Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment.
  • Deliberate misgendering or use of “dead” or rejected names.
  • Making light of/making mocking comments about trigger warnings and content warnings.
  • Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or behaviour.
  • Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like “hug” or “backrub”) without consent or after a request to stop.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
  • Deliberate intimidation.
  • Stalking or following.
  • Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes.
  • Sustained disruption of discussion.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others.
  • Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
  • Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional abuse.
  • Publication of non-harassing private communication.
  • Sending unwanted private messages—especially when requested not to.

The Piccalilli community prioritises marginalised people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. I will not act on complaints regarding:

  • “Reverse” -isms, including “reverse racism”, “reverse sexism”, and “cisphobia”.
  • Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone”, “go away”, or “I’m not discussing this with you”.
  • Communicating in a “tone” you don’t find congenial.
  • Criticising racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions.


If you are being harassed by a member of the Piccalilli community, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, you can contact me, Andy Bell (piccalilli_) at the following places and I will do everything I can to resolve the situation promptly:

  • Direct message: Send me (piccalilli_) a direct message at any time
  • Email: [email protected]

This code of conduct applies to the Piccalilli community, but if you are being harassed by a member of the Piccalilli community outside any community property, I still want to know about it and will do everything in my power to help and protect you. I will take all good-faith reports of harassment by the Piccalilli community members seriously.

This includes harassment outside any community property and harassment that took place at any point in time. I reserve the right to exclude people from the Piccalilli community based on their past behaviour, including behaviour outside the Piccalilli community and behaviour towards people who are not in the Piccalilli community.

Reports intended to silence legitimate criticism may be deleted without response.

I will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. At my discretion, I may publicly name a person about whom I’ve received harassment complaints, or privately warn third parties about them, if I believe that doing so will increase the safety of the Piccalilli community members or the general public. I will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent.


The Piccalilli community is place for fellow designers and developers to hang out, help each other out, and build networks.

What’s Permitted

I welcome members of this group to share links and resources that they think the Piccalilli community members will benefit from. Make sure the things you’re promoting are genuinely valuable and relevant to the community.

What’s Not Permitted

Please refrain from posting repeatedly or without context links to pitches, events, products, or services, or any such resources that are not specifically on topic for this community. Refrain from approaching other members directly with sales pitches.


The Piccalilli community is a friendly community where all members should feel safe and welcome. To ensure this, please avoid the following:

  • Sending unwarranted private messages to other members. Please ask permission first.
  • Clogging up the channel with relentless messages that receive no response. Read the room.
  • Conducting yourself in a combative, aggressive nature.


Participants asked to stop or correct any behaviour violating this code of conduct are expected to cooperate immediately, whether asked by me or another member of the group.

In the event this doesn’t occur, I will approach conflicts within the following template:

  1. Repeat the request to stop.
  2. If the person doubles down, they will be given an official warning.
  3. If the behaviour continues or is repeated later, the person will be expelled and their membership will be cancelled.

On top of this, I may remove any offending messages, images, contributions, etc., as I deem necessary.

I reserve full rights to skip any of these steps, at my discretion, if the violation is considered to be a serious and/or immediate threat to the health and well-being of members of the community. These include any threats, serious physical or verbal attacks, and other such behaviour that would be completely unacceptable in any social setting that puts our members at risk. In some cases, the participant may also be identified as a harasser to other Piccalilli community members or the general public.

I will prioritise the well-being and comfort of the recipients of the violation over the comfort of the violator.

That said, I understand that the amygdala makes conflict resolution hard, and will approach conflicts with the initial assumption that all parties intend well, and will favour education over escalation whenever possible.


This code of conduct would not be possible without the fine work outline below. Thank you to everyone who contributes to making communities like Piccalilli, safe places.

This is based on Ethical Content Slack's code of conduct. That, in turn, was based on the example policy from the Geek Feminism wiki, created by the Geek Feminism community, as well as the WeAllJS Code of Conduct.