It’s that time of year again and our inboxes are riddled with emails. To (hopefully) help with that, we’ve collated some deals from independent authors and publishers who are offering some great discounts for you to enhance your skillset.
Josh Comeaupermalink
Josh is doing a bundle of their two excellent courses, CSS for JavaScript Developers and The Joy of React. I’ve done both and the quality is outstanding.
Julia Evanspermalink
Julia’s Zines are so good, especially the git one.
to get 50% off PDFs and WIZARDPRINT
to get 30% off print, only today.
Remy Sharppermalink
Save 80% off the master package of Remy’s great terminal training course. Outrageous value!
Ahmad Shadeedpermalink
There’s no one better to teach you how to debug CSS and Ahmad has put their Debugging CSS course down to $19.99 which is a steal.
Adam Johnsonpermalink
Adam’s provided some really generous deals on their fantastic Django books.
Subhomoy Haldarpermalink
Want to get better at mathematics to make you a better programmer? Subhomoy has your back with a discount on their upcoming book, Set Theory for Beginners.
Kushagra Gour and Kushagra Agarwalpermalink
CSS Battle is really good and they’ve got some super generous deals for the beginner and intermediate levels.
Scott Jehlpermalink
This course is so good and Scott is doing a whopping 50% discount if you use the code THANKS
at checkout. That’s also a steal!
Complete CSS has just launched with a Black Friday price of £189 which ends on Tuesday. We’ve also made Every Layout $34.50 too!
P.S. I couldn’t round up a Black Friday links post without mentioning my favourite development browser — Polypane — is offering 25% discount on Black Friday too!
Check it out