Complete CSS


Take your CSS skills beyond the next level


What’s in the box?

  • Education from an industry expert

    Your instructor, Andy Bell has over 15 years of industry experience, providing CSS consultancy and design for some of the largest brands in the world like Harley-Davidson, Google, the NHS and Oracle. He’s also worked with smaller, but exciting startups with the agency he founded, Set Studio.

    More about your instructor

  • Learn to build a truly responsive and resilient front-end

    You’ll learn to be the browser’s mentor rather than its micromanager by utilising flexible, algorithmic layouts, fluid typography and space, along with progressive enhancement, working with the most modern CSS capabilities.

  • Completely transform your whole workflow

    From creating a sketch-up document where you pull a design apart into organised pieces to using prototypes to effectively communicate oversights, there’s a bucket-load of useful content to change your thinking and enhance the CSS you produce.

  • Learn transferable skills

    The core skills I teach aren’t just applicable to writing CSS because they’re highly transferable. They’ll make you a better colleague and help push your career forwards in the right direction.

  • Build a stunning website with a full, real world project

    Tutorials and demos only get you so far in your progression pathway. In this course, we’re going to work through a guided, simulated real-world project which results in a stunning home page for a brand new, fictional barista academy in London.

  • Accessible, mixed media content

    The course content is mostly written to make it as accessible and digestible as possible. There’s lots of interactive elements, demos, quizzes and videos sprinkled in to really help it all sink in for you. All content updates are free forever, too.

You won’t be the same developer after completing this course


A bold statement, sure, but the content I’m teaching is the baseline of what’s helped me to be successful in our industry.

In this course you will fast-track through skills usually only picked up from years of experience, building high-level design work. You can use those new skills to progress your own career with promotions and new opportunities you previously thought were out of reach.

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Pre-orders are now closed. Sign up to get updates for the late-2024 release of Complete CSS.

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About your instructor