This is so cool by Sophie. Over the years, I’ve gone from “we need to build bespoke” to “let’s stitch some services together for the first iteration > measure > then use that to build bespoke if still required”.
Sophie’s new weekly link posts setup is exactly that: some stitched services that do the job for her. It also has little to no impact on her existing way of doing things and saving links.
It fills a real need for human curation too. I’m glad Sophie cited Cassidy’s post because it’s a shared feeling (and worry) for many. Aside from the ongoing destruction of Twitter: publishers like CSS-Tricks and A List Apart seem to be no longer with us which reduces curation sources.
I hope people are inspired by Sophie’s setup because I certainly am and will be doing more to post link posts (like this one) to help fill the void left behind in terms of curation.
Check it out