Front-end education for the real world. Since 2018.

Front-End Challenges Club

Topic Archive
  1. Front-End solution: Eyebrow heading dots

    Learn how anchor positioning is really useful for a solution other than for positioning popovers.

  2. Front-End challenge: Eyebrow heading dots

    We’re doing it differently in this edition. There’s already code and I’m challenging folks to refactor and improve my solution with modern CSS.

  3. Front-End solution: progress indicator

    All is revealed about how to build this Front-End Challenges Club challenge, with some great contributions to the community too.

  4. Front-End challenge: progress indicator

    Front-End Challenges Club is back! It’s been a long while since the last one and this challenge is a real head scratcher.

  5. Solution: Progress Stepper

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #008

  6. Challenge: Progress Stepper

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #008

  7. Solution: Heading Keyline

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #007

  8. Challenge: Heading Keyline

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #007

  9. Solution: Auto-scrolling, responsive grid

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #006

  10. Challenge: Auto-scrolling, responsive grid

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #006

  11. Solution: Tabs

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #005

  12. Challenge: Tabs

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #005

  13. Solution: Progress Button

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #004

  14. Challenge: Progress Button

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #004

  15. Solution: Duotone card

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #003

  16. Challenge: Duotone Card

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #003

  17. Solution: Toggle switch

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #002

  18. Challenge: Toggle switch

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #002

  19. Solution: Email sign-up form

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #001

  20. Challenge: Email sign-up form

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #001