Front-end education for the real world. Since 2018.

  1. Create a responsive grid layout

    Even with no media-queries, we can create a flexible and powerful responsive layout.


  2. Creating a full bleed CSS utility

    Break out of the mould of your fixed-width container to create visual interest.


  3. New shoes

    Piccalilli has been on a holiday for over two months, but has had a complete re-design and re-platforming.


  4. Solution: Auto-scrolling, responsive grid

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #006

    Front-End Challenges Club

  5. Challenge: Auto-scrolling, responsive grid

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #006

    Front-End Challenges Club

  6. Solution: Tabs

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #005

    Front-End Challenges Club

  7. Challenge: Tabs

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #005

    Front-End Challenges Club

  8. Solution: Progress Button

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #004

    Front-End Challenges Club

  9. Challenge: Progress Button

    Front-End Challenges Club - Challenge #004

    Front-End Challenges Club

  10. Solution: Duotone card

    Front-End Challenges Club - Solution #003

    Front-End Challenges Club