I love a short and powerfully useful article. This one is especially useful to me, because I account for the problem Manuel is solving in my CSS reset:
- Code language
- css
ul[role="list"], ol[role="list"] { list-style: none; }
The reason I have it in the reset is because I’m making a presumption about my and/or my team’s CSS because if there’s a class being added to a list, it almost certainly isn’t going to look like one. It’s a useful hook!
Because of Safari removing list semantics — as referenced in Manuel’s post — we have a policy of “if a list gets a class added, it gets a list role added too”. That policy lives, but I think I’m going to seriously think about removing the above snippet from the reset.
Well, I say that, but I might go back to how I once reset lists:
- Code language
- css
ul[class], ol[class] { list-style: none; }
But update it as:
- Code language
- css
:is(ul, ol)[class] { list-style-type: ""; }
I know, I know, attaching this to items with a class is very controversial, but remember, the reset is what works for me and the team, not what works for everyone!
Anyway, read Manuel’s post because it’s fantastic.
Check it out