About Piccalilli

Piccalilli is a publication from Set Studio that has one aim: level up your front-end skills.

Founded by Andy Bell in 2018, Piccalilli has evolved from a personal blog — teaching the community handy front-end stuff — to an independent publisher whose goal is to provide high quality educational content in the form of articles, quick tips and courses, written by industry experts, while signal boosting authors in the community with the links section and newsletter.

We maintain that quality by focusing on web standards technology and a guaranteed commitment that we will never publish content written by large language models or other flavours of “AI”.

Our authors have decades of experience and work in the industry on real world projects — working with some of the biggest brands, along with exciting startups and nonprofits.

Our content reaches over 90,000 people with over 140,000 page views a month on average. We also have over 1,000 people signed up to receive our newsletter and get email alerts for new articles. This subscriber count continues to rise, as does the number of people enjoying our content.

Our focus for advertising is quality over quantity. Using subtle design patterns to display ads, rather than purposefully interrupting our reader’s attention aligns with that focus. We also respect our reader’s privacy, so do not allow tracking technology other than utm parameters. We will however, provide monthly impressions data.

Our preference is for advertisers to be partners, so we will only accept partnerships with brands that align with our principles of quality and prioritising the reader’s user experience. In return, our advertising partners can be reassured that advert clicks are from genuinely curious people, often resulting in a higher return on investment for those adverts.

To discuss advertising with Piccalilli, please contact [email protected]