A really interesting piece about how the proposed/prototyped if()
functionality could work in a theme context.
I admittedly tend to stay in my lane with colours, sticking to Hex, RGB and CYMK. It’s mainly because my brain refuses to understand the newer CSS colour capabilities but this article really helps.
Wall-to-wall goodness on this portfolio site with page transitions, scroll-based animations and stunning typography work. It could definitely lose the scroll smoothing IMO though.
A great walkthrough of creating your own web server with Node JS. It’s surprisingly more simple than I anticipated.
Nodding so much, I’ve got neck-ache. But that’s no surprise based on how my CSS course is heavily focussed on communication skills.
Jason Bradberry challenges the ideals of displaying your entire navigation as a cluster of links and presents a case for exploring off-screen menus where the context is right for it.
P.S. this is a good demo.
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