I read Zach Leatherman’s fantastic, yet eye-opening article about The Sneaky Costs of Scaling Serverless. It feels like these continuous deployment services are Having A Bad Time™ with this recently, like when someone got a whopping $100k bill from Netlify. It’s making me rather nervous, but also, I definitely do not want to be managing that stuff ourselves.
Mayank made a more accessible experience for XKCD comics. That’s a very good and needed thing to do! I also like the smart multiple border-radius
trick they used to make the paper-like background.
The fine folks at Panic have released a new game called Thank Goodness You’re Here, which has a beautiful website. It’s fast, clean, but also fantastically unique. Love to see it.
Finally, Cassidy Williams has built a digital typewriter which is cool, but her write up is even cooler.
P.S. wanna see one million website screenshots?
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