The Index: Issue #33

Sorry for the brief pause, friends. I was galavanting around my homeland in Yorkshire last week after attending the always excellent, All Day Hey.

I read this fantastic article by Lynn Fisher about how a job change lost them access to a much loved project and how getting access back brought its own difficulties.

If like me, the stories behind iconic brands fascinate you, you definitely want to read this piece on the Adidas stripes and Trefoil.

Can I interest you in delightful websites? Vercel’s Ship event has a great monochromatic website, filled with lovely particle animations and dithering. Make sure you click the little black dot on this one too.

Lastly, if you thought you’d seen it all, have you seen pure CSS DOOM?

Here’s a couple of other links to welcome the weekend in for you:

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Until the next issue, take it easy 👋