The Index: Issue #13

Happy Monday!

It’s unlucky issue #13 of The Index this week and our focus is websites that really push the boundaries to produce a truly creative and interactive experience.

A Trail Tale

⚠️ Motion and audio warning

The splash screen for A Trail Tail

There’s a lot to love about this site. The pixel art is exquisite in itself, but it’s the idea that I love. In 2022, Andy Moliski, embarked on a 2,200 mile hike and documented that journey with this live-update web experience. A truly creative use of the web!

Field Day Sound

⚠️ Motion warning

Field day sound home page

Now, I’ve got to start by saying that this site falls way short in accessibility, but in terms of visual and interactive design, it’s a really interesting concept.

We can confirm, from our own experience that demonstrating portfolio in a fresh, exciting way is hard, so we’ve got a lot of time for studios that push the boundaries like this. One of the key ways they do this is with mixed-media hover states. They are my personal favourite aspect.

Leica M11

⚠️ Motion warning

Leica M11 product page

Our designer, Leanne, spotted this one in the wild and I’m glad they did!

I won’t spoil it by explaining what it is going on, but what I will do is recommend that after your first scroll, go back and scroll really slowly. Honestly, when you do that, you’ll be in awe of how clever and talented the people that produced this experience are.

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Until the next issue, take it easy 👋